
ESP takes pride in growing our business in a way that meets customers’ needs and conserves earth’s natural resources.

Our products do not damage or deplete


It’s one thing for companies to claim “We’re Green,” but quite another to live up to it. ESP doesn’t bother with such sloganeering, we simply make protecting the environment an integral part of our business plan.

It starts in-house with strict health and safety standards during production, and extends to the public sphere with dedicated customer support and compliance enforcement whenever our defoamers and anti-foaming agents are delivered and applied.

This approach has earned us numerous quality and safety certifications and allows personnel in every department to participate in product stewardship.

Sensible foam control

Enterprise Specialty Products, Inc. offers Foam-A-Tac® defoamer and anti-foaming chemistries for preventing and controlling foam during the production and application of a wide variety of liquids. With decades of experience under our belts, not only are we able to deliver the highest-quality products, we’re committed to safety and sustainability.

ESP is like many companies in the manufacturing industry in one sense: we believe that our dedicated employees are our most valuable asset. So from the very beginning back in 2004, their safety has been at the forefront of our daily operations. Instead of treating it as a compliance goal, we meet, exceed, and improve upon the standards of workplace safety.

We are committed to fostering a robust workplace-safety culture, starting at the executive level and trickling down to every associate in every department.

ESP maintains a deep commitment to minimizing or eliminating the negative impact chemical manufacturing can have on our environment. We have strict in-house recycling and waste management policies to ensure our waste stream is managed only by certified experts who operate ethically and in a demonstrably environmentally conscious manner.

Additionally, for the formulation of our line of high-quality defoamers and anti-foaming agents, ESP selects raw materials that are renewable and conform to our corporate environmental stewardship policies.

Responsible product stewardship requires everyone who’s involved in a product’s life cycle to take responsibility for its safety and environmental impact. Our expertise in the chemistry that underlies foam-control agents — and dedication to maximizing safety and minimizing their environmental impact — ensure our products always meet our customers’ industry-regulatory requirements, whether they are at the local, state, national, or international level.

ESP’s internal regulatory staff is well-versed in both domestic and foreign food-contact and inventory-control regulations. They will ensure you are able to apply our defoamers and anti-foaming agents in total compliance with industry-regulatory requirements and help you share in our company philosophy: be sustainable, be responsible.